Rankings of the most popular companies based on their ability to meet customer expectations
What’s in this Report
Competitive strength scores based on how close each company’s performance meets customer expectations
Changes in ranking from previous quarter
Pricing Power & NPS® for each company
W-30 Trends of Pricing Power versus Revenue Growth
Competitive trends for Premiums, Discounters, Challengers and Standards
Detailed analysis of Apple’s Competitive Profile
Report Takeaways
Pricing power is a leading indicator for revenue growth and for the fifth straight quarter, pricing power has declined to a post-pandemic low of 4.2%.
Companies with a premium-focus (e.g. Apple, Deere) are performing the best at meeting customer expectations, improving to their highest levels yet post-pandemic.
Challenger companies (e.g. Netflix, Tesla, Uber) have been performing the most consistently with customers, and rank only slightly behind premium companies currently.
Discount companies (e.g. Costco, Southwest, Schwab) performed well with customers at the start of the pandemic but dipped quickly in 2022, and are rebounding to perform well today
Companies that represent traditional standards (e.g. ExxonMobil, Intel, J&J) are struggling the most in today’s market, as customers are seeking out companies that offer more distinctive, compelling value
Any type of “new norm” for competition has not been established in this post-pandemic market; Winners and losers are yet to be determined but the battle is well underway.